Mosquito Conversation
“What happened…what did you drink?”
“This is strange…I have never felt this way.”
Dogood was woken up by two voices in the general area of his bedroom window. On looking closely, he saw two mosquitoes. One was lying on the fold of the curtain, and the other one standing holding a tumbler of water.
At that moment, Dogood realised that, in addition to possessing a rich imagination that at times manufactures strange thoughts, he could also hear strange voices and see strange things.
“Did the blood have alcohol and drugs?”
“Please, my discerning tongue the taste of alcohol in the blood.”
“It is like nothing you and I have ever tasted before.”
“Dangerous stuff that can kill: anger, rage, bitterness.”
“You can taste and smell that stuff in the blood, but I thought it was some exotic spices.”.
“Why didn’t you stop?”
“I was blinded by everything around me: the looks and the ambiance! The mere mention of it and I taste it afresh.”
With groans, the mosquito turned to retch.
“I have never seen you this sick. Do you mean to say that stuff stays longer than alcohol?”
“Trust me, that stuff is lethal.”
“We have to think of a way of screening what we suck. Looks can be deceiving.”
Dogood turned with hopes of sleeping again and perhaps dreaming.
Photo by NatsPhotos on Freeimages.com
One thought on “Mosquito Conversation”
Angie ClaytonPosted on 9:14 pm - Sep 20, 2024
Martin MburuPosted on 5:34 am - Sep 30, 2024
Thank you!