Understanding Restoration: Insights from a Personal Walk
Have you ever faced severe personal disruption? You wake facing west but at night you sleep standing facing South? I have! I woke up one morning and I had lost everything (a story for another day or maybe not). Once the storm quiets, the journey of restoration starts. I continue to learn practical lessons as I keep on the path of restoration.
Each one of us is expected to walk a unique journey – each has an ordained path already. Therefore, a journey of restoration is personal and follows the same unique path. However, some discernible biblical patterns can help with individual journeys.
As my life got disrupted, I strove to hold on to God’s Word and promises. In the beginning, I narrowed down to two restoration Scriptures.
The first Scripture was Joel 2:23-27. The mention of autumn rains in verse 23, allows me to indulge myself and I have a special bond with the September – November rains. Indeed, the aroma of wet soil and the music of the raindrops on the roof is serenading me as I write.
Occasionally I would stray to Daniel 4: 36. King Nebuchadnezzar lived like an animal for seven years then God restored him. I mean, God restored Nebuchadnezzar, how much more is He going to do for me?
Job 42: 10 &12 has remained a favourite. Borrowing from Job’s inventory, I started keeping mine and the expected restored double portion. I dwelled here for a couple of years. It remains one of my dwelling places although I have expanded my repertoire by including Job 38-41, to laugh at God’s words to Job.
After three years of just dwelling on the two verses, the Spirit led me to Job 42: 5.
It was a subtle nudge with a transformative effect. No theatrics! But a profound effect. I felt like Abraham when he looked up and saw a ram caught by its horn in the thicket (Genesis 22:12). Restoration is all about God and knowing him more.
Not Everything is meant to be restored.
It is a harsh truth that some things we lose will never be restored. Our time on earth is limited. As such, we will suffer some losses that help to prepare us for that reality, and act as a constant reminder. God means us well, thus he is training us to be ready.
Restoration is an ongoing activity.
Restoration is not a one-off experience. It is a process. God is interested in the people we become and not just what we regain or reacquire or possess.
Restoration serves a divine purpose
Tempting as it is to sit in front of the cameras talking about resilience, patience, persistence, and posing as one of the restoration poster boys, or even start offering a masterclass on restoration, there is a specific divine purpose. Everything God does is for a reason; it is meant to serve a purpose. After King Hezekiah was restored, he was given a new purpose (2 Chronicles 32:24- 32 & Isaiah 38).
One of the obvious purposes is that God comforts us so that we can comfort others (2 Corinthians 1:3-5).
Restoration starts with the spiritual
Live everything else, the beginning is always spiritual before manifestation in the other levels. After Peter denied Jesus three times, he went back to his former business: fishing. His restoration started the same way his calling had started – with a miracle of a large catch of fish (Luke 5:4-11). Then his ministry was restored (John 21: 5-18).
This stage is hidden: not visible to many. It can also be considered a godly-ordained wilderness. Only those who are Spirit-filled and spiritually discerning can tell. But for the rest, they will be throwing diagnoses of depression and madness. The spiritual includes preparation for the journey ahead. Joseph was prepared to be governor in the wilderness years. It is the phase of the wineskin being made anew before the new wine is poured. The purpose is revival and renewal of our relationship with God.
The enemy pounces when we are vulnerable and plants seeds of anger, bitterness, and resentment. These cloud the true nature of our loving God. Those lies can estrange us from God.
Once the spiritual is taken care of, follows the emotional, mental and physical levels. These levels are easily identifiable. In most cases, they are indicators, manifestations of the spiritual work.
Restoration leads to a new thing
The restoration on earth leads to a new worldview, new mindset, new thing. This impacts our identity and how we do everything. Being a good steward means guarding against being pushed to conform to the former life or other levels of mediocrity.
All are being Restored
Even without suffering what is considered disruption, we all need restoration. We are all being restored. We are born fallen in a fallen world. Our time here on earth is part of our restoration toward eternal life.
Image by Deepak Murali on Pexels
One thought on “Understanding Restoration: Insights from a Personal Walk”
Angie ClaytonPosted on 9:48 am - Sep 28, 2024
This is powerful!
Martin MburuPosted on 5:31 am - Sep 30, 2024
Thank you!
TonyPosted on 12:56 pm - Sep 29, 2024
Good one bro
Martin MburuPosted on 5:30 am - Sep 30, 2024
Thank you brother!