Category Archive The Musings of a Non-conformist

How to Count Kenyan Christians

How to count Kenyan Christians

There is a famous statistic that is always bandied around about a country of 80% Christians but with evil that competes with the devil’s kingdom. When you identify yourself as a Christian and choose to work as a Christian, following the biblical principles, you will get such thrown at you daily.

But that is not why I am writing. Two reasons have prompted me to write this article. One, a colleague asked me what type of Christian I am, “Are you a Christian or a Christian-Christian?” Immediately, I recognized the kind of honest distinction he was making. Second, once in a while, I have caught a glimpse of hell in the eyes of some Christians, and I have found myself asking our Lord, Jesus Christ, some questions.

The Profile of False Teachers

A Profile of False Teachers

A great challenge of writing about false teachers is giving them too much attention at the expense of focusing on Jesus. The second challenge is too much focus on identifying them at the expense of the patterns. The false teachers come and go, but their pattern and mode of behaviour remain the same.

I have encountered a couple of false teachers. From those, I discerned three types of profiles, namely the charlatan, the backslider, and the antichrists.

Understanding Restoration

Understanding Restoration: Insights from a Personal Walk

Have you ever faced severe personal disruption? You wake facing west but at night you sleep standing facing South? I have! I woke up one morning and I had lost everything (a story for another day or maybe not). Once the storm quiets, the journey of restoration starts. I continue to learn practical lessons as I keep on the path of restoration.

Each one of us is expected to walk a unique journey – each has an ordained path already. Therefore, a journey of restoration is personal and follows the same unique path. However, some discernible biblical patterns can help with individual journeys.

Shakahola Mess: View from the Pew

We continue to wait for the final word from the government and the courts. Meanwhile, our lives have resumed normalcy, and we are still going to churches, and soon the Shakahola matter will be constrained to history, only to be quoted the next time there is such a related tragedy.

If you have ever warmed a pew, even if it is for a few minutes, this matter affects you, and you hold the key to the solution. For starters, we are all human beings; thus, we need to remember such tragedies happen to people and not animals.

Noses Will Breathe Again

A season is coming soon when we will stop wearing masks. I will offer artistic opinion and evidence, not expert opinion. I prefer this kind of evidence because it is highly subjective reasoning open to non-scientific interpretations. My assertion has nothing to do with government mandates, success of vaccines or a scientific discovery of a cure. It is an opinion based on a conversation with my nose. Look at your nose keenly, look around at other noses near you if possible, and consider whether noses were meant to be covered.

If Joseph Were Kenyan

While attending the Bible School of the Holy Spirit, I was encouraged to always read the Bible with imagination without colouring outside the lines. On one of those reading assignments, I encountered six Kenyan Josephs —three noble and three colourful. I acknowledge that we have very many noble Kenyans who wear their Joseph names and calling proudly. Some could even be considered composites of all the noble qualities of the Josephs in the Bible.